Tuesday 30 October 2007

Herbert W. Franke - "Mondrian Series" - 1980

Phase pictures from an interactively controllable operational sequence with sound-effects - Commissioned by Texas Instruments as basis for a program module.

Thursday 25 October 2007

Mind Controlled Interface?

Not sure who is the author of this image. If anyone knows, can it please be added to the comments?

Tuesday 16 October 2007

Google Earth Prototype - Manhattan - 1968

Not sure who is the author of this image. If anyone knows, can it please be added to the comments?

HORST - Still Nature - 1957 - 1986

'Peony in Broken Blue Vase', 1986 and 'Lilies, Grapes', 1957

Stephen Rowland Pierce - "Metropolis of Britain" - 1942

Design for postwar reconstruction of the 'Metropolis of Britain'

Karl Blossfeldt - 'Wundergarten der Natur' - 1928

From left to right 'Cnindium Venosum', ' Taraxacum Officinale. Common Dandelion' and 'Delphinium. Dauphinelle.' - Urformen der Kunst

Douglas Kirkland - Catherine Deneuve - Vienna, 1970